In the game, two space mutant warriors known as the Battletoads, Rash and Zitz, embark on a mission to defeat the evil Dark Queen on her planet and to rescue their kidnapped friends: fellow Battletoad Pimple and Princess Angelica.īattletoads is arguably one of the most graphically advanced video games ever released for the NES, at a time when the video game market was moving on to 16-bit consoles. It was originally released for the Nintendo Entertainment System in 1991 and subsequently ported to numerous other platforms. Others are coming soon.īattletoads is a platformer video game created by Tim and Chris Stamper and developed by Rare as the first installment of the Battletoads series. This game can be played also in a versions for Game Boy and Genesis. The following emulators are available for this game: NeptunJS (JavaScript), Nesbox (Flash), RetroGames (JS) and vNES (Java).